Now the startitis bug is again nipping at me, and I'm just itching to start something new. I'm resisting, at least until next week. I'm forcing myself to actually work on the Christmas Blanket for the future in-laws. Because, see, I know myself. I'll put it off and put it off, and put it off some more until it's mid-december and I panic because holy crap! I have to crochet an entire blanket by Christmas!! So I'm going to give that my exclusive yarn-crafting attention until this coming Friday. I think I can finish off the first skein of each color, which will put me at a third of the way through the project. We'll see how that goes... *crosses fingers*
Already the naughty corner of my brain who doesn't give a flying cupcake about deadlines and only lives to have me start a dozen projects at once is whispering "but gauge swatches don't count! you're not starting anything, go on, just one little tiny swatch..." NO BAD BRAIN! I WILL NOT FALL FOR YOUR DIRTY, DIRTY SNEAKY TRICKS!!
So, blanket it is. Until Friday. Then I'm going to start probably two more projects. I absolutely need a Herringbone Neckwarmer to match my Calorimetry. Also, I've finally settled on a pattern for socks for my Mom. I think that Salto is just the thing. It's still not horribly complicated, it'll give me a chance to practice my cabling, and they're pretty. ^^